Cancer by definition is a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably. The cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs. Most cancers start in a particular organ; this is called the primary site or primary tumor. Tumors can be Benign ( not cancer- which means these do not spread outside their normal boundary to other parts of the body ) or Malignant ( cancer- means if these are not treated, they may spread beyond their normal boundaries and into surrounding tissues, becoming invasive cancer ). Signs and symptoms caused by cancer will vary depending on what part of the body is affected. There are various approaches to treating cancer, many of which involve combinations of therapies to provide effective treatment- Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Hormone therapy, etc. To understand the treatment and prognosis ( estimate of how the disease will go ) of cancer, one should have a clear understanding of the difference between cure and remission.
Cure means that there are no traces of your cancer after treatment and the cancer will never come back. Remission means that the signs and symptoms of your cancer are reduced. Remission can be partial or complete. In complete remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared and you remain in complete remission for 5 years or more, some doctors may say that you are cured. Still, some cancer cells can remain in your body for many years after treatment. These cells may cause the cancer to come back one day. For cancers that return, most do so within the first 5 years after treatment. But, there is a chance that cancer will come back later. For this reason, doctors cannot say for sure that you are cured. The most they can say is that there is no sign of cancer at this stage.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare & Australasian Association of Cancer Registries 2017; An estimated 134,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Australia this year, with that number set to rise to 150,000 by 2020. 1 in 2 Australian men and women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85. Cancer is a leading cause of death in Australia- more than 44,000 people died from cancer in 2014. Around 17,500 more people die each year from cancer than 30 years ago.
Ayurvedic View:-
According to the Ayurvedic concept of cancer, this condition can be categorized as Granthi ( a minor or benign neoplasm ) and Arbuda ( a major or malignant neoplasm ). A Close review of etiological factors and clinical manifestations help co-relate Arbuda with cancerous growths.
When the aggravated Dosha ( Vata, Pitta, Kapha ) accumulate in a particular localized area of the body, they cause aberration in muscular tissues ( mansa pradooshana ) and hence in the area, circular, stable, mild painful growths are caused which are gradually maturing in nature.
Based on the dominance of dosha factor and tissue involved, they are classified as -
Treatment includes the administration of detoxifying herbs and diet. Circulatory stimulants are also prescribed to promote the circulation of blood, increase the efficient elimination of toxins, and assist in healing tissues. Immunity-restoring herbs and minerals are given to boost the strength of the patient.
Ayurvedic Herbs and Herbal formulations used are :
Proper awareness about natural and organic food, and avoiding oily/ spicy/ fried/ Junk food will surely help to prevent the disease; for further advice please contact Sandeep Kumar (Ayurvedic Doctor) and Anupam Vasudeva (Ayurvedic Doctor) of Life Line Ayurvedic Herbal Clinic.
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Disclaimer : Sandeep Kumar and Anupam Vasudeva are not GP, they have Ayurveda medical degree from India where it is considered equal to any other medical degree. This qualification is recognized in Australia by vetassess governing body as Complementary Health Therapists. Life Line Ayurvedic Herbal Clinic does not claim to cure a disease or terminal illness and does not create any unreasonable expectation of beneficial treatment. Ayurvedic medicines and treatments are generally considered to be safe but rarely may be associated with possible adverse reactions in individual cases. We recommend seeking urgent medical attention in the case of an adverse reaction. This website provides you with information. You must contact your Ayurvedic or another health professional before you apply them. Read More